

“Onde o Plano encontra a margem”, exposição coletiva, Museu Nacional da República, Brasília. 

"SP Arte" exposição coletiva realizada pela Referência Galeria. Obras “Concepção I e II”. São Paulo

Brasília, a arte da democracia” exposição coletiva. Obra “Origem”, FGV Arte, Rio de Janeiro.



"SP Arte" collective exhibition held by Reference Galeria. Works “Hands of Mysteries” and “Routine”. São Paulo

“Collection Show”, “Collection Show”, artists represented by the Reference Gallery in the collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts/RJ. “Hands of Mysteries” and “Routine”. Brasilia.

"What is below is like what is above, what is above is like what is below", solo show in Referência Galeria, Brasília.

"Felt Senses", collective exhibition with works “Faith sinks” and “Senses”, held by deCurators, Brasília.

“Pot-pourri”, group exhibition, with the works “Crown Mirror” and “Shadows of Acts I, II, III and IV” and “Solar Moon”, held by Reference Galeria at Galeria Casa, Brasília.

"International Biennale of Glass of Bulgaria" screening of the film “SILICA”, Sofia, Bulgaria.



"One and many Brasilias: 62th Anniversary",, collective exhibition, with "Petri" and "Pendullum" art pieces in blown and moulded borosilicate glass and mirror, Galeria Casa, Brasilia.

"Experimentations and Change of Routes", collective exhibition with the glass art pieces "Origin II" and "Primordial Soup I", Referencia Galeria, Brasilia.

"I International Iberoamerican Biennale of Glass I", collective exhibition with the glass artwork "Petri II" and the short documentary film "SILICA", Museo Municipal de Cartago, Costa Rica.

“Casa Cor Brasília 2022”,  installation with moulded glass "The dance" and "Message in the bottle", Farm House, Brasilia.

“Casa Cor Brasília 2022”, moulded and blown glass art piece "Pendullum", Espaço Ilê, Brasilia.

“The Italian Glass Weeks”, participating with the short documentary film "SILICA", Milan and Venice, Italy.


"International Biennale of Glass of Bulgaria", overhead photography of glass objects, Sofia, Bulgaria.


“Unbreakable: Women in Glass”, collective exhibition with 64 renowned women artists showing glass art pieces. Participating with the installation "Home", 21 glass blown pieces into house shaped steel beam structures. Fondazione Berengo, Murano, Venice, Italy. 

“Acervo Rotativo” Online exhibition with artworks size less than 5 cm . "Flower", Gummy Bear" and "Marble", Acervo Rotativo, São Paulo.

“SP-Arte- Viewing Room” with Referência Galeria de Arte. Art work "Origin", moulded wine glass, lampworked glass christ's crown and silver ring. Sao Paulo, Brazil.


“Lines of forces: Surfaces in a trance"”, “Mea Culpa”, “Fide” and “Absens Haeres Non Herit” stell tray, metal corrosion, cast glass, lead dolls, velvet pillow and Christ´s crown plant; Referencia Galeria, Brasilia

“Lines of forces: Surfaces in a trance"”, “Absens Haeres Non Herit” stell tray, metal corrosion, cast glass, lead dolls, velvet pillow and Christ´s crown plant; Referencia Galeria, Brasilia

“Collectors Series”, “Muuu…!”, Acrylic on canvas, Hillhouse, Brasília.

"Protagonists" “(Des) Vende-se”, installation and newspaper art, Galeria Casa, Brasília.

“II Salão Mestre D`armas”, "Banquet" and "Fragile", moulded glass, tray, glass and plate..

"Exhibition 5", Fragile ”, moulded glass and decal. Spazio Theca, Milan, Italy.


“Design Brasil Século XXI”, “Gargalos”, reused bottle glass, sandblasting and copper. Cultural Center of the Lyceum of Arts and Crafts, São Paulo.

"Brasilia Design",- "Bottlenecks", reused bottle glass, sandblasting and copper. Foyer of the National Theater of Brasilia.

"Brasilia Design City Exhibition" “Caliandras”, borossilicato, Torre de Tv, Brasília.


“Os Fios e a trama”, Group exhibition, “Swing”, moulded glass and steel cable, Referência Galeria de Arte, Brasília.

“Exposição Caliandra”, lampwork moulded borosilicate glass, Japanese Culture Cycle 2017, Casa Park, Brasília.

“16 Salão Nacional de Arte de Jataí”, "Home" blown glass work in iron beam, Jataí, Goiás.

“Exposição Novas Referências”, “Swing”, moulded glass and steel cable, Referência Galeria de Arte, Brasília.


“Prêmio Vera Brant”, “Home”, work in glass blown on iron beam, Buriti Palace, Brasília.

“Exposição Carta Obra”, postcard “PAISAGEM”, deCurators, Brasilia, Brazil.

“Exposição Habitações”, 21 works in blown glass, steel beam and chain, Fondazione Berengo, Murano, Venice, Italy.


“Exposição Anda onde há onda”, Works “Pearl” and “Toast”, Objeto Encontrado, Brasilia.

“Exposição Ondeandaaonda”, "Pearl" moulded glass and pearl, "Toast" moulded wineglasses and mirror. Museum of the Republic, Brasilia.


“Exposição 96 Athos” – stencil on magnetized Mdf, Athos Bulcão Foundation, Brasília.

“Exposição Fim de festa”, 40 glass blown balloons, Alfinete Galeria, Brasília.

“Exposição Cuidado! Obra a frente”, Map of Brasilia with posters and stencils, Coletivo Transverso, Galeria Endossa, Brasília.


“Exposição Leilão Pesque e Pague” , glass pieces “Message in the bottle” and “Rescue”, Objeto Encontrado, Brasília.

“Exposição SEUmuSEU expoexperimento”, interactive performance with stamps, Coletivo Transverso, Museu Nacional da República, Brasília.

“Exposição Pivô é a Rua”, installation of posters and stencils Coletivo Transverso, Pivô Galeria, São Paulo.

“Exposição Os Laranjas”,  stencil by Coletivo Transverso, Galeria Alfinete, Brasília.


“Exposição Teto e Tinta II”,  “My house is my body, the rest is delight”, etched glass, São Paulo, Project by the urban artist Mundano.

“Exposição Diálogos sobre o futuro MAB”, “Hangover”, installation of 12 distorted glass bottles and hung by hangers on a 2-meter clothesline, Museum of the Republic  from Brasilia.


“Exposição 2° Bienal de Brasília”, “Poodle”, acrylic on canvas, UPIS, Brasília.

“Tokyo International Environmental Art Festival”,  (Re) -Cycle installation. Korean Embassy, ​​Tokyo, Japan.

“9° Salão de Arte Contemporânea do Iate Clube”,  "Air" and "Pearl". Brasilia.

“Spiral Independent Creators Festival”, group installation, “Inverse world”. Spiral Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.

“Exposição GEN de artistas em vidro do Japão”,  “Becoming Old”, moulded glass, sink and ceramic tile. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo.

“Exposição de graduação de alunos do Mestrado da Joshibi University of Art and Design”, “(Re) -Cycle”, moulded and blown glass, metal cages, glass straw. JAM, Joshibi University of Art and Design, Sagamihara, Japan

“Exposição Grand Prix Joshibi Style”, “Hangover”, installation of 66 distorted glass bottles and hung by hangers on a 50 meter clothesline. Bankart Studio, Yokohama, Japan Yokohama, Japan.

“Exposição (re)-Cycle”,  graduation installation from Master's in Glass. Moulded recycled glass, blown recycled glass, metal cages, glass straw; Promo-arte Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.


“Exposição Air”,  installation with 50 pieces in moulded and blown glass, Galeria Vivant Annexe, Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.

“Exposição Busan International Environmental Art Festival”, “Pearl”, vidro moldado e pérola. Busan, Coréia do Sul.

“Exposição 38th Glass Art Society International Student Exhibition”,  “Air”, sculpture in moulded and blown glass. Oregon, United States of America.


“Exposição Creation and voice of the wood 2007”  “Wonderland”, installation with 50 pieces of blown glass containing sugar. Yokohama, Japan.

“Exposição 1,2,3…” , installation of moulded glass and photo printing. JAM, Joshibi University of Arts and Design, Sagamihara, Japan.


“Exposição S3T Girls”, illustration on Melissa brand sneakers, São Paulo Fashion Week, São Paulo.


“Exposição 8˚ Salão de Arte Contemporânea do Iate Clube” ,  "Man" and "Woman", acrylic on canvas. Yacht Club, Brasilia.

“Exposição As aparências não enganam”,  “Muuu…!”, Acrylic painting. Gallery of the Faculty of Visual Arts, Goiânia.

“Exposição Composições”,  recycled glass art. Federal Justice, Brasília.

“Exposição Situações Brasília “, “Butterflies” and “Muuu ..!”, Acrylic on canvas, Centro Cultural da Caixa, Brasília.


“Exposição Sem título” , “Piggy bank”, inflatable vinyl pig. Faculty Dulcina of Arts, Brasilia of Arts, Brasília.

“Exposição 4˚ Salão de Artes de Goiás “, “Piggy bank”, inflatable vinyl pig, Goiânia, Goiás.

“Exposição Arte 1,99″,  installation / shop with objects, paintings, installations and performances with assembly instructions, packaged for 1.99 reais. Unb Gallery, Brasília.


Exposição 7˚Salão de Arte Contemporânea do Iate Clube – “Untitled”, moulded glass and mixed media. Iate Clube, Brasilia.

&copy Fuzja Studio - 2017